Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Access to blogspot

The blog ban seems to be quietly lifting, but only patchily. As far as I know, there's been no public announcement. Jae reports (27 July)
I don't really know what exactly happened, but I now can access blogspot sites on my computer. I guess I'm lucky...to have Hanaro Telecom as my ISP. Heard they're loosening up a bit...and I think that's probably why I can access blogspot, but NOT typepad and livejournal. Bummer! But I still consider myself as lucky...because a lot of people who have different ISPs still can't access blogspot, typepad and livejournal... Is MIC really going to block these domains for good? I wonder... No further notice whatsoever...and we have no idea when this block thing's going to end... Jerks. It's pretty odd though...as I wonder...if Hanaro is allowed to loosen up a bit, then why not other ISPs do the same? Is Hanaro even allowed to do that? I can't stop being bitter thinking...why would Hanaro unblock only blogspot? Do people here even know what people do with blogspot, typepad, or livejournal? Whatever. You just have to let go sometimes because there're idiots out there.
Kevin reports (27 July) that blogspot is accessible from home but not from work. Blinger has already (24 July) reported access to blogspot, but not TypePad. He obviously thinks it's over, as he's taken down his banner.

Shawn reports (26 July)
There was some rumors circulating today about the block being lifted. James said he could view my website from work, but I thought he was yanking my chain since I was still unable to see it. I just checked again and it's true - Korea Life Blog is back! A warm welcome back to my readers in Korea. Now you can view my website directly and post comments again.

The government must have felt the heat coming off the recent articles in the paper and the coverage in the international magazine Newsweek that just came out. I'm glad I didn't go through with starting a new site as I was planning to.
I really ought to adjust the subtitle to this blog, to something like "partially accessible in Korea." If I continue with it at all.


Blogger Sean said...

Actually I don't think it is over. But I got tired of the sticky post and I have other things to do than keep complaining reporting on the issue. Most importantly my course materials for graduate school arrived and I need to study.

I do support everything that all the other bloggers continue to do and if there are new petitions to sign or other new things that can be done I will be there.

30 July 2004 at 23:04  

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