Apologies and outrage
Kevin at Big Hominid reports today (5 August) that
(Via Marmot, whose take on it is more measured than mine. He points out that the beheading parody was heavily criticised, and apologised for, whereas I'm amazed that anyone could have thought it appropriate at all, especially so soon.)
I'm able to access Typepad/Blogs.com blogs from this local PC-bahng. As before, please take this news with a grain of salt: accessibility probably isn't universal. But keep your hopes up.Also through Kevin, who additionally reports he can access MuNu without proxy, I learn of this apology (28 July) by BRD at Anticipatory Retaliation and a whole blog domain I never knew existed:
ApologiesWhich is gracious of him, but surely not necessary, unless there is a touch of sarcasm there I didn't quite catch. In a comment on that post, the Big Ho opines:
As you may know, all of Munuvania is currently being censored by the South Korean government (check out Big Hominid for the latest on government censorship - he also got tagged in a Newsweek article). It just dawned on me that the ban on the mu.nu domain is probably a direct result of my posting the video of the South Korean hostage being beheaded.
As someone who's a brand new arrival in mu.nu, I feel like quite the ass for getting my new homeland banned in an entire country.
So, all and sundry affected by this turn of events, please accept my abject apologies for this turn of events.
I suspected that your posting had something to do with the MuNu ban, but unlike the SK govt, I thought you did the right thing. No sweat. I can see you through proxiesUm. Pragmatism over principle is quite understandable in the circs, and from my distant armchair I can hardly criticise them for that. Should BRD feel the need to apologise? When there are things like this happening?
(Via Marmot, whose take on it is more measured than mine. He points out that the beheading parody was heavily criticised, and apologised for, whereas I'm amazed that anyone could have thought it appropriate at all, especially so soon.)
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